Barfi aux coco

Preparation time for Barfi aux coco: 30 min

Difficulty: Easy

Ingredients :

250g milk powder
250g freshly grated coconut
1 teaspoon cardamom powder
1/2 teaspoon butter

For the syrup :

220g powdered sugar
1 cup and ½ water
1 teaspoon almond essence
Food colouring

Preparation of the Barfi with coconuts:

Heat a saucepan over medium heat.

Pour in water, sugar, almond oil and food colouring.

Boil for a few minutes until it turns into syrup.

barfi aux coco

Mix the powdered milk, freshly grated coconut and cardamom in a bowl.

barfi aux coco

Pour the mixture and butter into the syrup, then stir continuously and gently to prevent it from burning.

barfi aux coco

As soon as it begins to detach, remove from the heat and pour into a greased mold with butter.

Sprinkle with almond powder and let cool at least 6 h before serving.

barfi aux coco

Barfi aux coco - Ti' Karaii | Mauritian cuisine

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